The 19th ISMA IT&M Conference 2021
Computer Modelling and Information Technologies
- Information systems for business
- Marketing investigations and information processing
- Applied statistics for business
- Optimization in management and marketing
- Logistics, telematics and transport systems
- Nanotechnologies and nanodevices
- Applied linguistics
- Micro- and nanoelectronics
- Mathematic & Computer modelling
- Applied computer modelling and computational methods
- System dynamics
Management Information Technologies
- Tourism business and information
- Sociology and information society
- Personnel management and testing systems
- Marketing researches
- Project- and time-management
- Analytical management
- International economics and business
- Business communications
Superb Organizations
- Assessment of the current state and recovery of the organisation’s activity
- Unity of the full managerial activity and the complete management process
- Formation of the management team
- Flexible applied system methodologies
IT&M 2021 Organizing Scientific Committee
Prof. Dr. Sc. Romans Djakons (Riga, Latvia) – The Head of Organizing Committee
Prof. Dr.oec. Deniss Djakons (Riga, Latvia)
Assoc. Prof. Dr.oec. Aivars Stankevics (Riga, Latvia)
Prof. Dr.Sc. Victors Gopejenko (Riga, Latvia)
Assoc. Prof. Dr.oec. Olga Verdenhofa (Riga, Latvia)
Assoc. Prof. Dr.oec. Jevgenija Dehtjare (Riga, Latvia)
Prof. Dr.oec. Antonina Djakona (Riga, Latvia)
Prof. Dr. oec. Marga Zivitere (Riga, Latvia)
Prof. Dr.Sc. Rostislavs Kopytovs (Riga, Latvia)
Prof. Dr.Sc. Alexander Mrochko (Riga, Latvia)
Prof. Dr.oec. Viktoriia Riashchenko (Riga, Latvia)
Dr.Sc. hist. Natalja Vorobjova (Riga, Latvia) – The Head of Registration Section
IT&M 2021 Scientific Programme Committee
Prof. Dr.Sc. Victors Gopejenko (Riga, Latvia) – The Head of Programme Committee
Prof. Dr.Sc. Rostislavs Kopytovs (Riga, Latvia)
Prof. Dr.Sc. Habil Arnold Kiv (Israel)
Prof. Dr.Sc. Habil Dietmar Fink (United Mexican States)
Assoc. Prof. Dr.Sc. Alytis Gruodis (Vilnius, Lithuania)
Assoc. Prof. Dr.Sc. Nina Kuchuk (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
Assoc. Prof. Dr.Sc. Shefer Oleksandr (Poltava, Ukraine)
Prof. PhD Mariana Petrova (Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria)
Prof. Dr.Sc. Habil Iryna Kalenyuk (Kiev, Ukraine)
Prof. Dr.Sc. Sevdalina Ilieva Dimitrova (Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria)
Prof. Dr.Sc.Ing. Ravil I. Muhamedyev (Almaty, Kazakhstan) – The Head of Program Committee of Kazakhstan section
Prof., Dr.Sc.Habil Vladimir Barakhnin (Novosibirsk, Russia, ICT)
Prof., Dr.Sc.Habil Yedilkhan Amirgalyev (Kazakhstan, Almaty, IICT)
Prof. Elena Zaitseva (Slovakia, Zilina, University of Žilina)
Prof. Vitaly Levashenko (Slovakia, Zilina, University of Žilina)
Prof., PhD Assel Akzhalova (Kazakhstan, Almaty, KBTU)
Senior researcher, PhD Rustam Mussabayev (Kazakhstan, Almaty, IICT)
As. prof., PhD Nurgul Seilova (Kazakhstan, Almaty, SU)
PhD Mussa Turdalyuly (Kazakhstan, Almaty, SU)
Prof., PhD Daniyar Nurseitov (Kazakhstan, Almaty, SU)
Researcher, M.C.S. Jelena Muhamedijeva (Riga, Latvia)
Engineer, Baiangali Abdygalym (Kazakhstan, Almaty, SU)